• Topic > Christianity & Culture

    How your perspective and focus can change

    Everyone has an “ideal” plan for how their life should go. For John Cortines, that meant making a lot of money and retiring at 40. But today on Discover the Word, the group joins John in discussing how his perspective and life’s focus changed while getting his MBA at Harvard. It’s part of the weeklong […]

    God and money

    Today on Discover the Word, the group is joined by special guest and author John Cortines. They’ll be discussing the topic of “God and Money,” as John shares how he discovered something he didn’t expect at Harvard Business School. Listen today to Discover the Word!

    Are there any urban legends in the Bible?

    From Bigfoot to the Loch Ness Monster, urban legends abound! But what about in the Bible? Are there any myths or urban legends included in the Scriptures? Tune in today to Discover the Word as we talk about a remarkable story of bones healing someone. It’s the final chapter in “The Miraculous Life of Elisha,” […]

    Demolition or opportunity

    It’s all a matter of perspective. Demolition can be seen as destruction or it can be seen as an opportunity. And as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, God will demolish anything that stands between Him and His people. But is demolition the end goal? An encouraging truth the group can’t wait to share […]

    Do You See Your Calling?

    …separated to the gospel of God… —Romans 1:1

    Our calling is not primarily to be holy men and women, but to be proclaimers of the gospel of God. The one all-important thing is that the gospel of God should be recognized as the abiding reality. Reality is not human goodness, or holiness, or heaven, or hell— it is…

    God’s Masterpiece

    When asked which author he would choose to write his life’s story, author and activist Wendell Berry answered: “A horrible thought. Nobody. As the only person who ever has lived my life, I know that most of it can never be documented, is beyond writing and beyond words.”

    Give, Save & Spend: Finance’s God’s Way

    This six-week study is designed for those interested in a biblical approach to finances. Students will explore God’s perspective on managing money and possessions, engaging in many practical applications for handling finances that are at the heart of a variety of financial matters.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Compass—Finances God’s Way. If you have an interest in their ministry please visit compass1.org.

    How God Taught Me to Give

    I am surrounded by giving people. Their tireless generosity is inspiring to me, and I want to emulate their giving spirit.

    God’s gift of grace

    In the busyness and stress of the holiday season, it’s helpful to take a break and remember why we celebrate. Join us for a refreshing Christmas edition of “Words to Live By.” We’ll enjoy heartfelt reflections on the mystery of God’s grace! Discover the joy of our Savior’s arrival.  

    Why I have Hope (Despite a terrible 2016)

    I recently came across an article that reported that Planet Earth, a popular BBC nature and wildlife documentary, has racked up more millennial viewers—myself included—than reality TV shows like The X Factor.

    Why Didn’t I Give More?

    Once, while my friends and I were having dinner, a skinny boy in a worn-out t-shirt and shorts approached us to sell tissue paper. Initially, we didn’t respond as we weren’t interested in buying any. But the boy, probably about 10, kept standing there, with a hopeful look on his face.

    What Really Happens When You Give More Than You Receive

    We know this saying well: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) But why? Isn’t that counter-intuitive? After all, when you give, you deplete your own resources—be it physical, monetary, or emotional.

    The Money

    Early in my career while doing work that I saw as more like a mission than a job, another company offered me a position that offered a significant increase in pay. Our family could surely have benefited financially from such a move. There was one problem. I hadn’t been looking for another job because I loved my current role, which was growing into a calling.

    But the money . . .

                I called my father, then in his seventies, and explained the situation. Though his once-sharp mind had been slowed by strokes and the strain of years, his answer was crisp and…

    I Didn’t Care About Starving Kids in Africa

    It was Christmas morning. The whole family was together, even though most of the children were married and starting their own families. We were about to open presents.

    Breaking the Mold

    According to the experts, I’m part of the demographic known as Generation X. Maybe you are too. Born between 1965 and 1980, we’ve been described as being cynical about life, fearful of commitment, and spiritually lost. Ouch!

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